          MNU : Mon National University to reopen Location Map of Mon State MNU: Mon National University to reopen   News - Kaowao News Monday, 09 April 20 宜蘭民宿07 Mon educators are gearing up to re-establish the non-campus Mon National University (MNU), 小型辦公室founded by Dr. Jamlong Thongdee.According to Sumit Punnakari, Project Manager of the Humanitarian Assistance & 土地買賣; Reconciliation Project (HARP) for the National Catholic Commission on Migration (NCCM) based in Bangkok, the International Mo 好房網n Education Network (IMEN) was formed to support the MNU.The decision to reopen the MNU was enthusiastically taken at a seminar on Mon education, h ARMANIeld in Bangkadee, a Mon village near Bangkok, between March 24 and 25.  Speakers at the seminar were academics and Thai Mon leaders, including Phisant Platsi 融資ngh, Dr. Jamlong Thongdee, Professor Sanan, Nai Damrong and the Abbot of Wat Asar Phrapradaeng."It is necessary to have a Mon university since there are many Mons who have c 房屋二胎ompleted high school and want to study Mon literature.  Both Thai and Burmese languages developed through Mon but the important role of the Mon in is not widely known," said Ven. Narada, w seoho attended the seminar from Mudon, Mon State.Even though there was no formal agenda to discuss the MNU, over 60 participants were enthusiastic and impressed with the participation of Dr. Jamlong Thong 商務中心dee, a well-known Thai Mon scholar. He is the founder of MNU and past President of the Mon Youth Community (Bangkok).Dr. Jamlong founded the MNU in 1994, though its opening was postponed due to limited human and financial resources. 信用貸款  .

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